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Three digital transformation challenges and how to overcome them

In 2024, digital transformation is vital for businesses. Digital transformation is a top priority for 74% of organisations, and 77% of companies have already started their digital transformation journey. Digital transformation is now higher on the priority list than cybersecurity (73%) and cloud implementation (65%).

As organisations adapt to this digital age, they face challenges from adopting new technologies and necessitating change management in business operations and customer engagement.

Digital transformation entails updating legacy applications and merging different technologies, processes, and strategies. For a CIO or project manager, this can be complex and tough to oversee. Here are some common digital transformation challenges faced by companies and the steps to overcome them.

1. Absence of clarity and a clear strategy

Digital transformation is more than a corporate buzzword. Yet it's used in meetings without a precise meaning. This causes senior management to navigate uncertain terrain, aware of the need to progress but unclear about ‘how to’.

Overcoming a lack of clarity

Understand why your organisation is undergoing digital transformation. This rationale will guide you. Recognise customer requirements, challenges, and pain points. Scrutinise current processes to spot legacy systems that need upgrades. Your digital transformation project should resonate with your business objectives, enhance employee efficiency, elevate the customer experience (CX), and boost revenue.

Form a change leadership team
These need to be influential, innovative, and reliable employees. A diverse team will guide your digital transformation and create a vision for it that resonates with business objectives.

Engage a digital transformation expert

Engaging a digital transformation expert or team will equip you with a proven framework for success.


2. Skilled digital transformation resources

A notable lack of professionals with the necessary expertise for digital transformation often exists, presenting a talent challenge for organisations. Assembling an agile digital transformation team takes time. Even non-tech-focused roles need technological understanding. This results in a lack of the broad spectrum of digital skills essential for a successful transformation.

With more businesses adopting contemporary and cutting-edge technologies, the skills and talent gap is increasing. Recruiting and retaining individuals with digital expertise, including cybersecurity, system architecture, corporate architecture, data analysis and regulatory compliance, is key to successful digital transformation.

Recruiting a digital transformation team of experts

The right skill sets are vital and a lack of digital skills jeopardises digital transformation projects. The rapid pace of technological change has led to a significant skills gap.

You can address this issue by investing in continuous learning and development for current employees and partnering with specialist recruitment firms, like NU Concept Solutions, that specialise in sourcing talent with the latest tech skills.

To harness your digital transformation journey, assembling the right team is crucial and common roles to source might include:

  • A Chief Technology Officer (CTO) will give strategic direction to align technology initiatives with business goals.
  • Project managers collaborate with technical teams and stakeholders to gather requirements, prioritise and schedule tasks and deliver results.
  • Automation and AI Strategists to identify opportunities for automation and AI, collaborating with stakeholders to drive efficiency.
  • Data Scientists analyse data to extract insights and develop machine-learning models for decision-making.
  • AI Engineers and AI Developers will design and implement AI solutions. They may specialise in Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning, and computer vision.
  • Automation Architects define the architecture for automation projects and ensure seamless integration.
  • ChatGPT Developers can build conversational AI solutions using ChatGPT. They will understand NLP and chatbot development.
  • A Change Management Specialist facilitates the smooth adoption of these technologies by managing organisational transitions and minimising resistance.

Having the right team of people in place ensures the successful implementation of your digital transformation project.

3: Resistance to change

One of the biggest challenges of digital transformation is people. Employees are comfortable working in specific ways, and change is challenging. Often, employees will resist changes to established processes, systems, and working practices, making it more difficult to implement new ways of working.

A culture opposing change limits progress. From senior management to entry-level staff, there's a degree of reluctance towards embracing new technologies. Some leaders might not see the need to spend on digital transformation projects when established practices are working well. Employees often resist new technologies due to fear of the unknown. Workers might be apprehensive about the evolving roles and duties accompanying digital transformation and fear redundancies.

Overcoming resistance to change

Change management is essential for digital transformation success; it's about helping individuals and teams embrace changes. Emphasising organisational change management can assist your business in preparing employees for changes. This goes beyond the technical aspects of digital transformation. It is important to address the impacts of digital transformation on people by delivering a thorough change management strategy.

Overcoming internal resistance to change needs clear communication about the benefits. Training programmes can help ease the transition. When building a digital transformation strategy, factor time and resources into training all colleagues so they are comfortable using new technology. Training and upskilling are vital but time-consuming.

Valuing employee feedback helps develop a collaborative, engaged workforce, which is crucial for navigating digital transformation. Engaging employees, understanding their perspectives, and anticipating challenges lead to more refined solutions. When employees feel valued and involved, they're more inclined to adopt new technologies, accelerating digital transformation success.

In today's technological landscape, digital transformation is not a luxury but a necessity for all businesses. This transformation goes beyond integrating new technologies; it needs a dedicated team of experts. If you are looking for top tech talent to transform your business, speak to NU Concept Solutions today. Book a free consultation with NU Concept Solutions by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling us on 0330 058 3400.