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UKOUG Gold Winner Recruitment Award 24

Flexible Recruitment


Workloads can vary, large-scale IT projects can cause temporary shortages of vital resources if not planned for. Experienced resources may be temporarily moved to new projects exposing gaps in BAU processes. Companies may undergo mergers and periods of rapid growth.

As a result of each of these events, your resource requirements are likely to be dynamically changing.

We are able to bring in professionals with the skills you need, without increasing your fixed costs.


We can rapidly find a suitable replacement for your in-house team of skilled professionals. With transition to the Cloud and Software as a Service (SaaS) your longer term fixed costs are minimalised.


Bring in the top tier professionals for as long as they are needed. The implementers and technical experts who will drive your projects forward.


Combine on-shore/off-shore resources to create a cost efficient virtual team. All of our carefully chosen offshore team members have a high standard of communication and have a time zone overlap with UK working hours.


The most cost-effective and flexible way to fine tune your resourcing. Switch on/switch off means you can utilise, drop and pick up again the same nominated resource with as little as 48 hours’ notice and incur zero overhead when the resource is not required. How’s that for cost efficiency!

Remote Working

An option that is readily available but often overlooked is the local on-shore remote worker. We have several contractors who for various reasons are unable to travel or work away from home but work and interact transparently with the project team through on-line interactive media. This solution provides the same skill set as the professional on-site contractor but comes with a discounted fee structure.

Interested in a flexible solution for your recruitment needs?  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange for one of our experienced leads to give you a call.