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UKOUG Gold Winner Recruitment Award 24

How recruitment looks set to change in 2024

Recruitment looks set to grow in 2024, with 86% of recruiters expressing positivity about what the future of talent acquisition holds, according to Jobvite research. This year looks set to see changes in the way candidates are recruited and how HR, hiring managers, and talent acquisition (TA) teams work. 

This year, advancements in technology, artificial intelligence (AI), work environments, and hiring practices will shape recruitment. In 2024, organisations are expected to allocate more recruitment budget to areas such as:

  • AI-powered recruiting tools
  • Diversity and inclusion initiatives
  • Candidate relationship management
  • Applicant tracking systems (ATS)
  • Career websites
  • Sourcing technologies

Automation and AI 

In 2024, we may witness the start of significant growth of integrating AI into the recruitment process. Findings by Eightfold found that a staggering 92% of HR leaders plan to increase their use of automation in at least one area of talent acquisition and people management. For many years, companies have automated initial vetting of applications and used applicant tracking systems to scan CVs. Companies may adopt AI to: 

  • Source talent and screen CVs 
  • Track applications 
  • Maintain staff records
  • Deliver payroll
  • Distribute employee benefits
  • Record employee performance and productivity
  • Onboard new starters 

AI and machine learning look to become indispensable tools in streamlining recruitment processes. As firms integrate AI further, they need to consider the essential human touch in recruitment. Neglecting this can not only make for a poor candidate experience, but hiring managers could miss out on top candidates. 

When recruiting, hiring managers need to be mindful that soft skills including empathy and problem-solving will grow in value as AI tools and automation revolutionise the office.

Upskilling - employee retention 

With the emergence of AI and automation in the workplace, it isn’t only new talent that needs new skills; existing employees will also need to adapt to succeed in the workplace. The World Economic Forum (WEF) forecasts that technology will transform 1.1 billion jobs in the next decade.

Upskilling current staff is a cost-effective approach for employers to retain their talent and bridge skills gaps within their businesses. Upskilling also improves job satisfaction, employee engagement, and productivity, and reduces turnover rates. By prioritising employee learning and development with relevant training, businesses can develop a more skilled and loyal workforce.

Hybrid working 

In 2024, the hybrid and remote working models look set to continue. When recruiting staff this year, hiring managers need to evaluate soft skills vital for remote work, such as self-discipline and communication. Sourcing across locations can help fill skills gaps, especially in niche areas of tech. 

Diversity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives 

Companies nowadays realise that including diversity and inclusivity in their hiring processes boosts creativity, innovation, and problem-solving in tech teams. According to Jobvite findings, 75% of HR decision-makers stated that their company would prioritise diversity hiring. In 2024, companies may face pressure from industry regulators, clients, and society to address the gaps and biases. 

Data-driven intel 

By using analytics, HR, talent acquisition (TA) teams, and hiring managers can measure the effectiveness of their recruitment approach and make data-driven decisions. From sourcing applicants to predicting staff turnover, people analytics enables employers to make more informed decisions about their workforce. 

Candidate experience 

This popular buzzword will be one of the most important factors for attracting talent in 2024. Candidate experience, whether good or bad, influences candidates to apply for jobs and accept offers. In 2024, it is important to keep candidates informed about the hiring process, give feedback at each stage, and ensure your application process is user-friendly. 

Employer Brand

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for a job seeker to Google, ‘Best companies to work for in 2024’ or ‘Top Tech companies in the UK to work for.’ A good reputation matters more now than ever before. A strong employer brand can reduce the speed and cost of hiring. Companies in 2024 should communicate their mission, values, and company culture across their recruitment channels and social media. 

Skills-Based hiring

As there is a need to develop skills and adapt to changing working environments, recruiters will need to focus less on the current skills and experience of applicants and more on their potential. This may mean assessing candidates for their adaptability and agility and seeing if they have a growth mindset.

Only time will tell

This year looks set to be an exciting and fast-moving one for recruitment. These are just some of the trends that are expected to shape the recruitment landscape in the UK in 2024.

To learn more about how NU Concept Solutions can boost your recruitment success in 2024, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us on 0330 058 3400.