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UKOUG Gold Winner Recruitment Award 24

From Coding to Copilot: Unveiling Modern Tech Skills


Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents exciting new job opportunities. New areas are emerging and creating further skills gaps for tech professionals. With a growing demand for tech workers in AI, research estimates AI will create 97 million jobs.

With new areas of innovation and tech appearing almost overnight, it would be easy to focus on developing new tech skills. While upskilling your tech skills is key, don’t forget your coding, cabling, and integration skills just yet.

Changing Roles

Although there will be an increase in jobs in AI, machine learning (ML), and generative AI, other roles will experience change. For example, demand for AI and machine learning specialists is expected to grow by 40% or one million jobs, in the next five years, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF). Those working across tech will see how AI will make existing roles more effective and efficient by removing tedious tasks.


Data Roles

New jobs are emerging, and many of these roles are data-focused and include areas such as data exploration and data analysis. Hired’s 2023 State of Tech Salaries report shows that data engineer roles are up by 21%. These roles need candidates familiar with the latest AI tools and technologies.


AI and Data Roles

AI-focused roles are diverse and cover all areas of AI development and implementation. They can include:

  • AI Researchers conduct scientific studies to create new machine-learning models and advance AI capabilities.
  • AI Engineers apply AI research to build products and services, integrating AI models into applications and systems.
  • Data Scientists extract patterns and make predictions from data, applying AI-driven analytics to make informed decision-making.
  • Data Architects specialise in analytics, automation, and AI, to design and construct data frameworks that support AI.
  • Machine Learning Engineers design and deploy AI/ML systems, develop ML models, and optimise algorithms for problem-solving.

As AI continues to evolve, these roles are becoming important in shaping the future of tech and business.

Brush up Your AI Skills

Now is a good time to develop skills to help companies decide how to integrate and apply AI and make it sustainable. Assess your current skill set for abilities that are relevant to AI. Skills could include problem-solving, programming, and data analysis.

Whether it’s machine learning, data analysis, or AI ethics, ensure you’re conversant with how AI is used within your specialism. Online platforms including Coursera, Udacity, and edX offer AI courses designed by experts.

Don’t Neglect the Basics

Basic tech skills like coding, hardware, and software engineering remain essential. Coding is the fundamental skill that underpins all digital tech. From creating software, apps, and websites to managing data. Core tech skills enable professionals to adapt to new technologies. As AI evolves, it incorporates new technologies such as quantum computing and neuromorphic chips. Hardware engineers are needed to integrate these technologies into existing systems.


What Hiring Managers Want

According to the Harvard Business Review, there are more technology jobs than candidates who are qualified to fill them. As a tech professional, you have no shortage of jobs at your disposal. Candidates with coding skills, mobile, digital, backend, and machine learning remain in demand. But you need to understand what hiring managers are looking for.

The skill sets hiring managers are recruiting for today are different from what they used to be. A combination of business and basic technology skills is critical to employers. The more diverse your technical and soft skills are, the better.

Data, cloud computing, software engineering, and customer experience remain in demand, but AI and Gen AI will need more of those skills. Working in the AI era isn’t only about technical aptitude. Areas such as critical thinking, collaboration, and a focus on solving customer problems are fundamental.

For candidates that code, using Copilot to code faster and more efficiently can be an asset to hiring managers. While Python and manual coding are still important, the modern hiring manager wants to see how a candidate could use a Copilot-type tool to improve code.

While qualifications are important, today’s IT specialist doesn’t need a Masters in computer science. Hiring managers value different skills, including communication, resilience, and adaptability.

Tips for Upskilling and Staying Relevant

The tech industry evolves rapidly, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is essential.

  • Engage in lifelong learning through courses, workshops, and certifications to keep your skills current: Online platforms offer courses ranging from data science to cloud computing.
  • Get hands-on and apply your knowledge by working on AI projects. This could be through personal projects, open-source contributions, hackathons, internships, or secondments.
  • Network by joining AI communities and professional networks to connect with industry professionals and stay updated on AI, automation, and tech trends.

At NU Concept Solutions, we are committed to supporting our IT candidates in their career journey and helping them thrive in today's competitive tech landscape. If you’re looking for your next IT role, contact us today.